Tuesday 11 August 2009

Exclusive: new songs from RLC!

So now that I know that RLC are back safe from their tour in Japan (where they played Summersonic Festival in Tokyo and Osaka), I can finally share with you the videos of the TWO (yes, yes, yes, TWO :-))) NEW SONGS!!!

If you caught them playing at some festival over the summer you probably have already heard at least one of these songs, and maybe you were wondering what they were called and maybe you were even eager to listen to them again but no, they're not on "Fine Fascination" ... luckily enough though, you can always rely on your favourite music blog ever! :-)))

So, here you go: the first one is called "Westway Lights"

... and the second one is called "Get In The Way"

I know it's not fair to say that I think that both these songs as amazing as usual, because I seem to honestly and truly like everything they do, but I just can't help it (I am a fan, have I said that before? ;-))!! So if you fancy telling me what you think, drop me a line by commenting on this post. I can guarantee that I am open and available to a democratic confrontation. :-)

Oh, and I apologize if the quality is not excellent. As I said in previous posts the venue was very small and the volume very very loud, so it wasn't really ideal for my poor little camera! But hopefully I will come up with something better in the near future, so stay tuned as usual!!

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